Celebrating Heroines
There's a special day for seemingly any and every occasion: International Beer Day, Oral Health Day, and—believe it or not—National Toilet Paper Day. But have you ever heard of Pregnancy Appreciation Day? You haven’t?
1000plus initiated Pregnancy Appreciation Day in 2018. Every year on October 1st, we want to congratulate expectant mothers and send them a surprise because we consider them heroines. We wish to express our appreciation for their love and courage and for carrying hope into this world.
Join us in celebrating Pregnancy Appreciation Day!
Pregnant women today face incredibly tough challenges! They must go against the flow, overcome many challenges, and sometimes even withstand hostility. You would not believe some of the things that are said to pregnant women, even though they are harbingers of hope. The amount of resilience, courage, love, and hope for a better future many women muster is admirable! Despite these challenging times, they choose to say YES to their own lives and the lives of their unborn babies.
Pregnant women hardly ever receive the recognition they deserve!
What can we do to ensure that every pregnant woman can indeed be of good hope? We dedicate a day in their honor: Pregnancy Appreciation Day is October 1st! Let's do our part to make this a fixed day in our society for the sake of all pregnant women. Mark your calendar!
The 1000plus Stork
Not for roasting, but for gifting: The 1000plus stork symbolizes our gratitude and recognition to all pregnant women because they carry hope into our world.
You can encourage one of "our" pregnant women by giving 15 euros or more and marking your donation with "Pregnancy Appreciation Day" or "1000plus Stork." This allows us to surprise one of the pregnant women we have counseled with a cuddly stork and an encouraging note.
You can also order a stork and give it to someone you know. Your stork is an expression of joy, gratitude, and respect!
Greeting Cards to Celebrate Her Pregnancy

Is anyone pregnant in your family, circle of friends, neighborhood, church, or office? Express your appreciation, respect, and gratitude by giving or sending her one of our new greeting cards! Order now and help her be the hope for our future!
Our Playlist for Pregnancy Appreciation Day: