Is abortion legal?

Is abortion legal?
Abortion regulations differ from area to area. While some countries or states prohibit abortion, most governments limit abortions to the first trimester or until the baby is viable outside the womb (24 weeks). Some regions have no gestational limit.
Most legislators list indicators that allow for abortion within specific gestational limits. These may include socio-economic reasons, the mother’s health, fetal defects, and conception through rape or incest. Abortion to save the life of the mother is unrestricted in all Western nations.
A blood test or an ultrasound may be required by law before procuring an abortion. The ultrasound reveals the gestational age, ensuring the pregnancy is within the legal time limit.
Abortion laws often specify who is permitted to perform abortions. In most countries, abortions must be performed by medical staff. In many of these countries, abortions may only be performed by medical doctors.
Some regions require the woman to take part in pre-abortion counseling to ensure her informed consent. Advice during this mandated counseling session may include information about the abortion procedure, fetal development, abortion alternatives, and abortion pill reversal. A waiting period of 1 to 5 days may be required after receiving abortion counseling.