Is there a patron saint for all pregnant women?

Ursula Frantzen
Ursula Frantzen

Ursula is a theologian and in the 1000plus communication, she puts into words what we cannot remain silent about: that every life is worth being loved, respected, and lived!

The Blessed Gerard Majella is considered the patron saint of pregnant women and is often invoked by women hoping to conceive or those already pregnant, seeking assistance and protection. His life and work were marked by extraordinary piety, humility, and deep compassion for the poor and suffering, earning him the reputation of a miracle worker.

Gerard Majella was born in 1726 in Muro Lucano, Italy. From a young age, he demonstrated a deep spiritual connection and a desire to serve God. Despite health challenges and personal setbacks, he joined the Redemptorist order, where he distinguished himself through his spiritual depth and commitment to the poor and sick.

One of the most famous miracles attributed to Gerard involves his assistance to a pregnant woman. Legend has it that he gave a piece of his habit to a family member of a pregnant woman who was in grave danger, instructing her to give it to the woman, who subsequently experienced a safe delivery. Since then, Gerard has been particularly associated with caring for and protecting pregnant women and children.

His veneration has spread worldwide, and many ask him to intercede with God on their behalf for a safe pregnancy and delivery. Gerard Majella's feast day, October 16th, is a special day for prayers and services focusing on pregnant women, families desiring children, and anyone assisting in childbirth.