Why should I bring children into the world in these difficult times?

In these challenging times, choosing to bring children into the world can be enriching for several reasons:

  • Renewal of Hope: Children symbolize hope and belief in a better future.
  • Joy in Everyday Life: Children's everyday discoveries and joys can become a ray of light in difficult times.
  • Strengthening of Community: Children foster a sense of belonging and support within the family and community.
  • Passing on Knowledge and Values: Parents have the opportunity to impart important life lessons, cultural values, and traditions.
  • Inspiration for Positive Change: Children often inspire personal and societal engagement for a better world.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Parenthood offers a unique opportunity for more profound meaning and personal fulfillment.
  • Promotion of Innovation and Progress: With each new generation comes new ideas and innovations that can solve societal problems.