What did Pope John Paul II say about pregnant women in distress?

Ursula is a theologian and in the 1000plus communication, she puts into words what we cannot remain silent about: that every life is worth being loved, respected, and lived!
Pope John Paul II was deeply concerned about the protection of human life. In his 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae, the Pontiff extensively addressed the threats faced by the unborn, the sick, and the elderly.
In this encyclical, as well as in many speeches, sermons, and other publications, Pope John Paul II repeatedly and emphatically advocated for the protection of all human life from conception to natural death.
He was aware of the situations that could lead to a crisis in pregnancy, and he recognized that women in these situations need genuine "SUPPORT instead of abortion." In his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, he makes the following impactful statement:
"By clearly rejecting the 'Pro-Choice' principle, we must, however, courageously affirm the 'Pro-Woman' principle, which means making a decision that is truly in favor of the woman. [...] The only legitimate attitude in this case [referring to: in the pregnancy conflict] is one of radical solidarity with the woman. It is not permissible to abandon her." (John Paul II: Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Hamburg 1994, p. 231)
1000plus-Profemina was founded to put precisely this "radical solidarity" with pregnant women in need into action, implementing exactly this "Pro-Woman" principle in counseling pregnant women.