Why is the Vatican against abortion?

Ursula is a theologian and in the 1000plus communication, she puts into words what we cannot remain silent about: that every life is worth being loved, respected, and lived!
The Vatican holds a clear position against abortion, which is based on the teachings of the Catholic Church. This stance is rooted in the belief that every human life is sacred and deserving of protection from the moment of conception. The Catholic Church teaches that life is a gift from God and, therefore, every human being, including the unborn child, possesses a unique dignity and a right to life.
This conviction is expressed in various church documents and pronouncements. A central document is the 1995 encyclical "Evangelium Vitae", in which Pope John Paul II emphasizes reverence for human life as an essential aspect of the Christian faith and calls on all people of goodwill to protect and respect life from conception to natural death.
The Vatican and the Catholic Church also highlight scientific and philosophical reasons for protecting unborn life. They emphasize the biological fact that human life begins at the moment of conception. At that point, they maintain that a unique, whole human being comes into existence who is entitled to love, respect, and protection.
The Catholic Church regards every human life as an immeasurable gift from God, endowed with dignity and worth from the very beginning. This perspective is based on the Christian understanding of love and compassion, which teaches us to love every individual, considering each person our neighbor. This commandment of love urges us to defend and promote the life and dignity of every human being, regardless of their stage of development, health status, or social position.
The Church's teaching calls on us to embrace women who are conflicted about their pregnancy conflicts with open arms and hearts. This means offering practical assistance, support, and compassion to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the unborn baby. The Church emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive environment where women are encouraged to choose life and receive the help and care they need to overcome the challenges of pregnancy and motherhood.
In this spirit of love and care, the Vatican emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support. The Church calls on its members to actively participate in building a culture of life that values and protects every person from conception to natural death. This includes advocating for social justice, providing resources for needy families, and promoting educational initiatives fostering dignity and respect for life.